Don't let your gender be the reason you can't fulfil God's call on your life. • Neil Dawson
Don't let your gender be the reason you can't fulfil God's call on your life. • Neil Dawson
Neil Dawson • As we forgive others…
When Jesus demonstrates that with being a king and a servant, he's our friend.
Kyle Nelson • Stubbornness can have damaging effects
ENNS / BYAS • A Guide to the Most Controversial, Misunderstood, and Abused Book of the Bible
David McBride, Neil Dawson • How can we encourage the use of gifts in our churches?
Neil Dawson • How five-fold ministry is essential to a functioning church.
Neil Dawson • Stewarding our gifts well, with a clear mind.
Neil Dawson • We give him glory by laying our lives down
Advent 2019 Day 16
He arrived under the cover of darkness, hidden away.
Jaci Cauvel • We were created by God for good works
Jesus redefines "glory" as being about other-oriented love, rather than just about power.
Easter Week
The time for Jesus' execution has arrived.
God is devoted to loving and reconciling families.
Have we missed the point of Jesus' "lost" parables?
The Gospel crosses nationalities, ethnicities and cultures.