One Day, One Moment, Everything Changed
Neville Garland • Four stories where faith and expectations are rewarded.
Neville Garland • Four stories where faith and expectations are rewarded.
Designed to inspire and equip you to read through the entire Bible in one year.
Advent 2019 Day 5
Our ‘family’ can be as big or small as we make it.
Neville Garland • When David met Goliath
Neil Dawson • A Song of Ascent
Neil Dawson • What sustains you during times of testing?
Pentecost, and the Person of the Holy Spirit • David Legge
Easter Week
Jesus rides into the city in the style of a king.
Neil Dawson • Easter Morning • Peacemaking is an act of surrendering, not something passive.
Neil Dawson • When God chases after the "other".
Neil Dawson • The Spirit shatters all man-made structures
David McBride • Communion carries many traditions, but the importance lies in our posture.
Andrew and Jaci share the songs they've had on repeat.
Neil Dawson • Where you sit, know that you’re completely loved.
Advent 2019 Day 19
What peace, forgiveness and love look like
Amy Anderson • Fruitfulness is not about what we do but who we are and who He is.