Psalms of Lament: An Introduction
Neil Dawson • An introduction to a short series of videos.
3: Fasting
Inward • In our culture, fasting becomes obsolete.
Prayer Silhouette
Activity for your kids
Our heads and our hearts
Prayer focus on our mental and spiritual health in these days.
Prayer Rainbow
Your kids can enjoy a Day of Prayer too!
Hour of Prayer
Is it possible to pray effectively for one hour? This guide helps you do that.
Prayers for the NHS
Prayer focus on those in and working for our health service during lockdown.
Protecting our mental health in lockdown
6 tips for keeping our minds in good shape while we stay at home.
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief
The coronavirus pandemic has led to a collective loss of normalcy.
Busyness is killing me
In these days of lockdown, many things have been looking more clear before my eyes.
1: Meditation
Inward • There are many examples throughout scripture where people meditated.
John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own, but yours.