A New Freedom
Neil Dawson • We are in the business of reconciliation.
Called Out, Called To
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Neil Dawson • Holiness is not about how we're perceived, but who we're devoted to.
Power of the Table
David McBride • Communion carries many traditions, but the importance lies in our posture.
Beautiful Grace
Neil Dawson • In a world of increasing judgement the church needs to communicate grace.
A Kind of Love
Amy Anderson • Challenging the meaning of love
Look Up
Neil Dawson • Challenging the "church shopping" culture.
Church: Why Bother?
Neil Dawson • The start of a series examining why the Church exists at all.
Being Mr Nobody
Amy Anderson • Significance in God's Kingdom has a different meaning than what society describes
The Untouchables?
Neil Dawson • New Testament times had their own people groups who were considered untouchables. Who are ours?
The One Who Sees
Neil Dawson • We often get wrong how we should approach people outside of the church
Jesus and Peter: Gone Fishing
Neville Garland • What does it take for us to live the Gospel?
The Gospel Embodied
Neil Dawson • What does it take for us to live the Gospel?
Love and Authority
David McBride • The depth of our ministry depends on the depth of our love
The Wild Goose
Neil Dawson • The Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit
Am I Stuck?
Have we settled for a comfortable, safe, lazy Christianity? • Neil Dawson
Called to Carry Peace
Matt Hogarty • In a divided society, we are called to bear peace
United in the Father
Amy Anderson • The church can be deeply divided
Pentecost, and the Person of the Holy Spirit • David Legge
The Other
A different angle to the three "Lost" parables • Brent Steeves
Neil Dawson • Now that you’ve been trustworthy in a small matter you’re going to take charge of cities.
How will they hear?
Darren McClatchey • We dream to see people encounter Jesus
Picture or Window?
Neil Dawson • If the Bible doesn't trouble you, you're not reading it.
The Spirit of Caleb
Neil Dawson • The power of the prayer walk