On Vocation
Neville Garland
Designed to Flourish
Neil Dawson • What would it look like if we lived questionable lives?
Flourishing in the Marketplace
Jenna and Andrew share how the Church can exist in the "secular" world.
Why We Bother
Neville Garland
A New Freedom
Neil Dawson • We are in the business of reconciliation.
Called Out, Called To
Stuart Argue • we ought to be part of the church because we are on a mission
Neil Dawson • Holiness is not about how we're perceived, but who we're devoted to.
Power of the Table
David McBride • Communion carries many traditions, but the importance lies in our posture.
Beautiful Grace
Neil Dawson • In a world of increasing judgement the church needs to communicate grace.
A Kind of Love
Amy Anderson • Challenging the meaning of love
Look Up
Neil Dawson • Challenging the "church shopping" culture.
Church: Why Bother?
Neil Dawson • The start of a series examining why the Church exists at all.
Being Mr Nobody
Amy Anderson • Significance in God's Kingdom has a different meaning than what society describes
The Untouchables?
Neil Dawson • New Testament times had their own people groups who were considered untouchables. Who are ours?
The One Who Sees
Neil Dawson • We often get wrong how we should approach people outside of the church
Jesus and Peter: Gone Fishing
Neville Garland • What does it take for us to live the Gospel?
The Gospel Embodied
Neil Dawson • What does it take for us to live the Gospel?
Love and Authority
David McBride • The depth of our ministry depends on the depth of our love
The Wild Goose
Neil Dawson • The Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit
Am I Stuck?
Have we settled for a comfortable, safe, lazy Christianity? • Neil Dawson
Called to Carry Peace
Matt Hogarty • In a divided society, we are called to bear peace
United in the Father
Amy Anderson • The church can be deeply divided
Pentecost, and the Person of the Holy Spirit • David Legge
The Other
A different angle to the three "Lost" parables • Brent Steeves