Can Halloween be redeemed?
Neil Dawson • At this time of year, how can we be light in the darkness?
Gratitude in a Shoebox
Amy Anderson • Stories of gratitude in a Christmas appeal
Build Houses. Plant Gardens
Neil Dawson • Sometimes God's call for his people is to stay put.
Reasons to be Grateful
Neil Dawson • In our world of plenty, it’s easy to take all the good things we have for granted.
Astonished Gratitude
Neil Dawson • Could our lives look any different if we were more grateful?
Questions of Courage
Neil Dawson • When we pose the darkest questions it can become the most profound acts of faith.
Stories of Courage
Neville Garland • Doing what you believe is truly right without knowing what the outcome truly is.
Why So Afraid?
Neil Dawson • What is the Father trying to teach us in times of fear?
Ask, Seek, Knock
David McBride • It takes wisdom and humility to ask for help.
How to Finish Well
Neil Dawson • What changes do I need to make so I can finish well?
Hitting the Wall
Neville Garland • Finding the endurance to run the race.
Neil Dawson • Have we lost our sense of wonder in God?
Forgiving the Way of Jesus
Neil Dawson • As we forgive others…
The Way of Resilience
Amy Anderson • What if God is more interested in the journey rather than the end result?
The Kingdom Way of Jesus
Ronnie Dawson • Three stories of faith and the Kingdom at work.
Casting Stones
Neil Dawson • Judgement isolates people and puts them to shame
Think, Act, Serve
Neville Garland • What will be our legacy?
Some Doubted
Neil Dawson • Do our doubts disqualify us from faith?
Influence of Power
David McBride • The Good Samaritan
Walk This Way
Neil Dawson • Jesus and the woman at the well
God’s Love and Ours
Neil Dawson • We perform the gospel we proclaim.
The Way of Compassion
Javier Chaviel • What do we carry into the places we go?
The Way of Love
Neil Dawson • Paul saw love as greater than the Gifts of the Spirit
Talk is Cheap
David McBride • The god you serve is reflected in how you speak.