“Thank You” Seems Inadequate
Carla • Monday
Carla • Monday
Activities throughout Lent, from Muddy Church.
We declare we are a church on the move. We are moving forward, looking up and out.
Neil Dawson • Baptism: We are baptised into community
Jaci Cauvel • Thursday
Lucy Hill • How many times do I ignore something because it doesn’t meet my standard?
Frances Anderson • Becoming a mother, then a mother-figure
By 24/7's Pete Greig
A blessing over our village.
Puma • Tuesday
Neil Dawson • The Holy Spirit ministers alongside people. Why is this posture not reflected in our churches?
Is it possible to pray effectively for one hour? This guide helps you do that.
Neil Dawson • In a world of increasing judgement the church needs to communicate grace.
There are so many people that don’t come to church because they have a belief that they won’t fit with them lot. Why is that?
How God flips our understanding of power by inviting us into a listening-first relationship.